On Nov. 28th, the University of Maine Student Government, Inc. (UMSG) met for their weekly Tuesday evening meeting in the Bangor Room of the Memorial Union. Dean of Students Dr. Robert Dana joined UMSG as a guest speaker. Clubs presented themselves alongside new businesses. Topics such as the University of Maine’s Bookstore were on the agenda.
Club Maintenance:
The American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) sought preliminary recognition. ACDA is a group of close to 20 choral and music directors. The group hoped to gain preliminary recognition in order to seek final recognition eventually. ACDA then requested funding for their goal to attend the national ACDA conference in Rhode Island in February 2024. The vote to grant the club preliminary recognition passed unanimously.
Club Presentations:
The International Affairs Association held a presentation at the meeting. They presented a slideshow showing UMSG about their trip to Chapel Hill for the Model UN Conference at the University of North Carolina. They noted how this conference helped them with public speaking and helped them bond with other members of the club.

Guest Speaker:
Dr. Robert Dana, Vice President of Student Life and Inclusive Excellence, spoke at UMSG’s meeting. Dana answered discussion questions and chatted with members of UMSG,
but he spent much of his time discussing UMaine’s Hammock Club. Dana reflected on his recent visit to a hammocking event behind the Recreation Center. He said many were hammocking, some new members and some old.
“[I felt] welcomed by the leadership of the group. New members were encouraged. People were talking, and they were laughing. Some were talking about important things, and some not so important,” Dana said. Dana discussed the accomplishments of UMSG and boasted of their positive impact on these clubs. He wrapped up his speech with encouragement: “People are finding homes in groups you are supporting. You guys are changing the face of the world. What you do matters.”
Executive Reports:
Vice President of UMSG Inc. reiterated that the recent urges for both the Penobscot Nation Flag and the printing issues were sent to the right people, and action has been taken. Advisor to Student Government Lauri Sidelko discusses Maine Day. She noted that there will be a spirit week leading up to Maine Day. She also proposed that professors still hold classes on that day but are instead encouraged to swap them in exchange for their students performing community service.
New Business:
An act to urge the University Bookstore to change the Inclusive Access program to opt-in rather than opt-out and to better advertise to students how the program works. Some students prefer hardcover textbooks over e-textbooks but aren’t able to choose because they lack the knowledge on how to choose. This act was passed by the senate but returned for discussion and debate by the cabinet.