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‘Unenrolled’ vs. ‘No Labels’: What is the difference?

As Maine’s election season nears, voters may find themselves puzzled by the “No Labels” and “Unenrolled” options on their voter registration forms. The following serves as a guide to understanding the differences between these two choices, which reflect distinct political perspectives and affiliations.

Maine voters have once again found themselves waiting in line for voter registration. This can be daunting for many first-time and even seasoned voters who are eager to cast their ballot. Many expect to choose between only two political parties, and are unfamiliar with the “No Labels” and “Unenrolled” options on their registration form. While often confused with each other, it is important to note that these options have noticeably different political affiliations. 

 Founded in December 2010, the “No Labels” party was established with the slogan “Not Left. Not Right. Forward.” This party upholds the belief that voters from all political backgrounds can set aside their prejudice and unite under a common goal of bipartisan communication and compromise. 

“We mobilize our members to support the campaigns of allied House and Senate members in both parties,” states the homepage of the No Labels party. 

Supporters of this party assert that if Americans cannot find a middle ground to collaborate on policy and political action, progress will never be made to bring about a thriving government, economy or country. Aside from endorsing bipartisan compromise between the parties, the official No Labels party website regularly releases books and other reading material in the hope of allowing voters the chance to do their own research in order to form their own opinions. The party will not be backing a presidential candidate in this year’s election. 

“This creates an independent support base for courageous elected officials, enabling them to fend off primary challenges from partisan activists and extremists who punish leaders for seeking bipartisan solutions. To get through this dangerous period, America needs a bloc of House and Senate members—from both parties—willing to be voices of reconciliation and bipartisan problem solving,” the page continues. 

In contrast to an allinclusive party like “No Labels,” an “unenrolled” candidate does not claim any political affiliation whatsoever. Unenrolled candidates may associate with a chosen party in order to vote in a primary election, but not identify with that party when running themselves. Voters who choose to stay unenrolled may do so for a number of reasons. They could be undecided on a candidate or may not believe any current candidates meet their standards.

Other more commonly known political affiliations, such as the Republican and Democratic parties, will also be included on the ballot this year, as expected. The Democratic party will be aligned in support of progressive policy including, but not limited to, greater infrastructure, clean energy, universal health care, progressive tax systems and gun control. The Republican party will be aligned in support of maintaining American values and traditions, lowering taxes, maintaining gun rights, free trade and deregulation of corporations. 

Current presidential nominees include Vice President Kamala Harris for the Democratic party and Former President Donald Trump for the Republican party. 

For those interested in registering to vote in Maine for the 2024 election, there are several avenues to ensure registration convenience and security for all prospective voters. Those who are not able to commute to an election office may register online, in person or by mail. This involves printing out a voter registration form and mailing it to the nearest election office to ensure its timely arrival. Voters may even register on election day if they choose. 

For UMaine students looking to register, the UMaine UVote homepage offers several convenient options for in-person registration locations. Students can still register at the Town of Orono at 59 Main Street, Orono, ME. 

Some voters may choose to remain undecided on a political candidate right up until election day. However, it is best advised to utilize resources such as the official party websites to make the best-informed decision ahead of time. Every voter has the opportunity to make sure they are represented as best as possible in what is predicted to be a historical election.

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