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The General Student Senate meeting on Nov. 17 began with roll call by President Pro Tempore Peter Alexander as well as the approval of the meeting minutes. 

General Good and Welfare:

Alexander gave Robert’s Rule of the week, which was reestablishing tabling issues. When an issue is tabled, it can be tabled until a certain date, or indefinitely and unless the issue is tabled indefinitely, the item cannot be brought up again until the specified date. 

Executive Reports:

Vice President Zachary Wyles informed the senate that the last shipment of T-shirts had arrived. He would be delivering them today, and continuing tomorrow. Chancellor Dannel Malloy sent an update on the outcome of spring break, and unfortunately, the administrators are unwilling to change the date. Therefore, the university will not have a traditional spring break, but instead,  start up a week later than normal in January. This is the last meeting before President Harrison Ransley returns. Vice President of Financial Affairs Jacob Tauke reported on unallocated funds with requests coming in from Black Bear Catholics and Car Club. Audit paperwork has been received and will be available to all senators upon request. Senior Class Council has been tabled until next week, along with 3D printing, which will likely be tabled indefinitely. UMaine Renaissance will also be seeking funding for some video software and Outing Club will be speaking on a resolution for $1,600.  Vice President of Student Organizations Danielle Jarosz will be having more clubs apply for recognition status. Vice President of Student entertainment Chase Flaherty said that most in-person events have been cancelled due to the rise of COVID-19 cases, but there are a couple of virtual events coming up, such as an Among Us tournament, and planning will continue for the winter carnival. Lots of tickets are still available for students from Spotlight Cinemas. Advisor to Student Government Lauri Sidelko said that the virtual Dirigo Leadership Conference will be on Dec. 5. Registration is currently at 100 and looking to grow. As the year is wrapping up, Sidelko urged senators to partake in departure testing. 

Periodic Reports: 

Representative to the Graduate Student Senate Ryan Kelly announced that the Graduate Student Senate will be having a meeting next week. Old Town City Council Liaison Blaize Vail announced that all Old Town buildings have been closed due to increased COVID-19 cases in the community, and that people are being urged to work remotely as much as possible. UMaine Security Representative Ben Orgel said that campus security is trying to set up more cameras around campus and conduct a speeding study on Rangeley Road. They are also updating active shooter and fire codes, and the new engineering building on campus will have swipe card access for added security. Many campus lights are also being updated to LEDs. The Center for Undergraduate Research Liaison Tessa Shanteler is looking for feedback on the student symposium from earlier in October, as they are trying to do the symposium next semester on Friday, April 16. 

Standing Committees

Membership Committee urged senators to give Wyles their delivery addresses for shirts so he can deliver them. The retreat has been postponed due to COVID-19 cases spiking and something remote may be planned in the future. The Committee on Policy and Procedure told senators that executive evaluations have been given out, and should be completed as soon as possible. 

Special Committees

The Student Mental Health Committee is moving forward with contracting work for better mental health on campus.

Community Association Reports

\Wilde Stein had a great meeting last week and they focused on helping people with going home for Thanksgiving

Representative Board Reports

The Board of Commuter and Non-Traditional students made their last Black Bear Exchange donation, and their food drive was very successful. The Honors College Student Advisory Board is planning to change to the honors curriculum next semester. Honors hangouts have been cancelled, but the Honors College is looking to hold a trivia night later on in the semester. The Interfraternity Council has been getting more applications for executive positions which has pushed back elections. Panhellenic council has finished up interviews and they are hoping to vote in the following week to decide the new executive board. The Senior Class Council requested funding for masks but that issue has been pushed to next week. Senior week for next semester is being discussed. The Sustainability and Environmental Action Committee has been working on ideas surrounding increased access to transportation and are holding a meeting on Nov. 18.

Consent Agenda

UMaine Renaissance requested funds for video editing, and Black Bear Catholics requested money for their office supplies. Both of these requests were approved by the senate. 

New Business

Outing Club has made a request for $1,600 for a wilderness first responders course. This too, was approved by the senate. 

The senate then went into executive session and shortly after, adjourned the meeting. 


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