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GSS Recap

The General Student Senate meeting on Nov. 10 began with a roll call by President Pro Tempore Peter Alexander, and the approval of the previous meetings minutes. 

General Good and Welfare:

The senate approved the UMaine e-sports club for preliminary recognition.

Executive Reports:

President Zachary Wyles addressed several problems that have been arising on campus due to rising COVID-19 cases, such as rooms beginning to shut down and having in-person meetings cancelled. As of right now, spring semester will be starting a week later on the academic calendar, and that week’s late start will be taking the place of spring break. The senate is looking to get that date changed back to the original spring break date. Vice President of Financial Affairs Jacob Tauke spoke on unallocated funds, and told the senate of a new request from the Asian Students Association for a movie night, as well as other topics to talk about during executive session.  Vice President of Student Organizations Emmeline Wiley told the senate that several clubs that were active in past years, have to be deactivated this year, including archery, Marsh Island burning, mock trial and several others. Vice President of Student Entertainment Chase Flaherty thanked everyone who attended the Maine Event tour over the past couple of weeks. Overall, it was a great success, and something they are looking to do again in future years. Flaherty also informed the senate that because of new COVID-19 cases, there will be no more in-person senate meetings for the rest of the semester. Advisor to Student Government Lauri Sidelko talked more about the outbreaks on campus. These are likely results of Halloween weekend, as well as students going home for breaks. Due to these new events, all face-to-face activities will be extremely limited for the semester, and many public spaces have already been shut down.

Periodic Reports:

Director of Communications Danielle Jarosz announced that she has just finished her social media post campaign, but will likely be starting a new promotional campaign soon. She is still looking for a new director of technology, and is also looking to start a senator of the week program on Instagram. UMaine Security Representative Ben Orgel will be having a meeting with the Orono Police Department on Nov. 15. 

Standing Committees:

Membership meeting this week finalized details with Wyles for the annual senate retreat. However, because of recent Covid COVID-19 restrictions for student life, this will have to be changed once again. The Policy and Procedure Committee amended various recognition policies for the student government. 


Representative Board Reports:

The Board of Commuter and Non-Traditional Students planned on making another trip to Hannaford for the Black Bear Exchange, but recent COVID-19 restrictions mean this has to be rescheduled. Honors College Student Advisory Board is moving Honors hangouts to a virtual environment. All in-person hangouts have been suspended for the rest of the semester. The Interfraternity Council is participating in “Movember” to raise money for men’s health. PanHellenic Council is extending president applications for another week to get more applications. The Senior Class Council sent in a budget request to get senior class masks. Sustainability and environmental action is trying to get money for electric car chargers on campus. 


Community association reports:

Wilde Stein had a successful meeting last week. They are trying to figure out what to do for a transgender day remembrance, and they are hoping to put flags on the mall. They are also trying to find an alternative route for gay Thanksgiving, which has been a tradition for the past couple of years. The International Student Association is meeting this week to discuss meeting ideas for the rest of the semester. 

Consent Agenda:

Asian Student Organization requested $61 for a socially-distanced movie night. It was approved by the senate. 

New Business:

A new resolution has passed to create a membership pause for certain organizations affected by COVID-19. They can be paused for one year without having to renew information, but after that year, they must go through the club creation process again.

The senate then moved into executive session, and shortly thereafter, they adjourned. 

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