The General Student Senate meeting on Feb. 16 began with roll call and the approval of the Feb. 7 meeting minutes by Senate Clerk John Cyr.
General Good and Welfare:
Vice President Zachary Wyles gave his Roberts Rule Item of the week, which was moving to the previous. Moving to the previous can occur when senators want to move out of debate on an issue and directly into voting procedure.
New Senators, Officer Appointments and Resignations:
The first round of officer elections happened this meeting, the new positions are as follows:
Faculty Senate Student Representative: Kylie Trawick
Student Legal Services Liaison: Camryn Hamil
Representative to the Graduate Student Senate: Tessa Shanteller
Orono Town Council Liaison: Micheal Delorge
Old Town City Council Liaison: Camryn Hamil
University of Maine Security Representative: Blaize Vail
Center for Undergraduate Research Liaison: Angel Loredo
Membership Chair: Blaize Vail
Policy and Procedure Chair: Alyssa Caisullo
Services Committee Chair: Connor Bray
Political Activism Committee Chair: Micheal Delorge
Student Conduct Code Oversight and Review Committee Chair: Abigail Despres
Representative to the Provost Council: Blaize Vail
Student Mental Health Committee Chair: Alyssa Caisullo
Multicultural Affairs Committee Chair: Alexis Plater
President Pro-Tempore: Frank Kelly
Sergeant at Arms: Leanne Nisbet
Executive Reports:
President Harrison Ransley reported that the cabinet meeting will be held directly after the senate meeting. Nominations should be finished after the meeting as well. Going forward, any sort of absence appeal will take place during the executive session. This will better protect the identity of senators who want to keep reasons behind absences private. Vice President of Financial Affairs Jake Tauke reported on unallocated funds, including some financial transfers that were done to cover some insurance costs. Vice President of Student Organizations Emmeline Willey reported that Student Organizations Committee elections will be happening soon, and that anyone wishing to run should get their nominations in as soon as possible. Vice President of Student Entertainment Chase Flaherty reminded the senate that Winter Carnival is still on schedule for this week. There will also be a Master Chef event happening for the school on Zoom in the coming weeks. More information will be available soon. There are also still free tickets for Spotlight Cinemas in Orono for students. Advisor to Student Government Lauri Sidelko was absent this week, so Benjamin Evans gave her report for her. He announced that campus Bingo will be happening next week, and there will be talks about starting esports teams for the school.
Periodic Reports:
Faculty Senate Student Representative Kylie Trawick announced that acceptance numbers are up for the school. COVID-19 test attendance is up to 85%. The faculty senate stands by its decision to change the pass/fail option for this semester. In regards to vaccinations, the faculty senate wants the distribution to happen in a more private location. When it does come time for students to be vaccinated, they would like everyone to be vaccinated at the same time. Director of Communications Danielle Jarosz said that the current feature on Instagram is going well and has been getting positive reception. Follower raffles will begin in the hopes of obtaining more followers.
Standing committees:
The Committee of Marketing and Public Relations had really productive meetings with both the president and vice president. They discussed promotions for the future, and are looking for ideas from senators. The Membership Committee wants to give gift cards to attending senators, in order to make up for the lack of food at meetings. This Thursday, there will be a membership meeting to discuss alternatives to the annual senate retreat. The Policy and Procedure Committee worked on several new resolutions.
Representative Board Reports:
The commuter and non-traditional student board is doing their first shopping trip for the Black Bear Exchange next week. The Interfraternity Council held its first in-person meeting last week. There were many chapter presidents in attendance, which made the meeting more productive. They are looking to start study nights for the Greek community. The PanHellenic Council is having a joint meeting with the Interfraternity Council and their executive board. The Senior Class Council will be hosting a trivia night on Wednesday, Feb. 17. They are seeking feedback for potential commencement alternatives. The Sustainability and Environmental Action Committee is trying to bring electric car chargers to campus, as well as plant new trees.
Community Association Reports:
The Feminist Collective will be watching films related to Black History at their next meeting. Wilde Stein will continue working on getting connected with the Old Town High School Gay-Straight Alliance.
New Business:
There were several new resolutions this week:
An act that makes it so absence appeals take place during executive session.
An act that would bring the current senate constitution up to date.
An act to modify signature requirements for officers from 200 to 100.
All these resolutions were passed.
At the conclusion of new business, the senate had its second round of nominations. They then did a final roll call and adjourned.