GSS Feb. 23
The General Student Senate meeting began with roll call, and the approval of the previous meeting minutes by Senate Clerk John Cyr.
General Good and Welfare:
Vice President Zachary Wyles gave his Roberts Rule of the week, which was a point of privilege. This is used when a senator is making a complaint, but is also used for more information. This however, is not the traditional use.
New Senators, Officer Appointments, and Resignations:
Austin Westfield was sworn in as a senator this week.
President Harrison Ransley used $526.34 to help cover expenses for the Maine Peace Action Committee, and will be meeting with Vice President for Student Life and Inclusive Excellence and Dean of Students Robert Dana tomorrow. President Ransley and Vice President Wyles will be meeting with the Provost Council next week to discuss the changes to the pass/fail policy. Vice President of Financial Affairs Jake Tauke is trying to get updated physical addresses for all senators, so that gift cards can be mailed out for senate meals. The annual budget will be taking place soon, meaning the vice president will be receiving budgets for all organizations on campus. Vice President of Student Organizations Emmeline Willey said that Student Organization Committee elections will be happening soon, and anyone looking to run should contact her. Vice President of Student Entertainment Chase Flaherty has spoken to Ben Evans, and will be scheduling a MasterChef cook along event. Students will be able to sign up for it on the Student Government Instagram page. New events for next month will be announced after the MasterChef event. Free movies are still available at Spotlight Cinemas with a MaineCard. Advisor to Student Government Lauri Sidelko announced that Heather Hogan will be filling in for a couple of weeks due to medical reasons. Weekly surveillance testing shows that more people have been attending testing. Often, positive tests will result in a great number of close contacts, and she urged students to be careful moving forward.
Periodic Reports:
Student Legal Services Liaison Camryn Hammil announced that there are six pending cases on campus. University of Maine ROTC senate representative Austin Westfield said that they have enabled five new scholarships for ROTC students. Director of Communications Danielle Jarosz posted the video promotion for the MasterChef event, which has been met with positive reception.
Standing Committees:
Marketing and Public Relations Committee had a great meeting last week. They decided to use a shorter video for Instagram and a longer video for Facebook. The Policy and Procedure Committee came up with new resolutions for the Student Conduct Code.
Representative Board Reports:
The Commuter and Non-Traditional Students Board thanked everyone who helped with the first shopping trip for the Black Bear Exchange. The trip normally takes an hour, but because of all the help, it only took 15 minutes. The Honors College Student Advisory Board had their first Meal Pack-Out meeting. They are looking to set aside the month of April for food security. They also held elections for the executive board. The Interfraternity Council had an effective joint meeting with the Panhellenic Council to discuss revisions to their code of conduct. Most fraternities have finished recruitment. The Sustainability and Environmental Action Committee is looking to start a compost project in Orono.
New Business:
Several resolution and funding requests were proposed this week:
Funding for the Pre-Law society to create an ESports team on campus.
An act to add funds to student government for various campus works.
An act to modify and update the Student Conduct Code.
All of these requests were passed.
GSS March 2
The General Student Senate meeting began with roll call, and approval of the previous senate minutes by Senate Clerk John Cyr.
General Good and Welfare:
Her Campus, a magazine run by women on campus, received final recognition by the senate.
Vice President Wyles gave his Roberts Rule Item of the week, which was a point of information. This is used for a senator to ask about clarification regarding a report or resolution.
Executive Reports:
President Ransley has had several students reach out to him about the pass/fail changes, as well as the uncertainty of graduation. Both him and Vice President Wyles will be meeting with the faculty senate to try and address these concerns from the student body. They have also been invited to a student sustainability summit, where they hope to bring more ideas back to campus. Wyles is trying to come up with ideas for how to carry out Maine Day this year, and has been very grateful that himself and Ransley have been working so well together, despite the fact that they are running against each other. The Vice President of Financial Affairs Jake Tauke spoke on unallocated funds and funding requests that will be talked about later in the meeting. Vice President of Student Organizations Emmeline Willey says a new club will be coming to the next meeting seeking preliminary recognition. Vice President of Student Entertainment Chase Flaherty announced that Dean Dana will be hosting a virtual Q and A with Terry Crews. Students can submit questions online. Heather Hogan, trending in place as advisor to student government, is now accepting nominations for leadership awards, which will be distributed in the coming months. Food requests can now be made for campus events, but a planning form needs to be submitted.
Periodic Reports:
University of Maine Security Representative Blaize Vail is looking into police behavior in the dorm, ensuring nobody violates the student constitution.
Reports of Standing Committees:
Membership Committee will be sending out gift cards for food at the meetings, to replace having food in person. They will be meeting this Thursday. The Policy and Procedure Committee is working on new resolutions for job descriptions. The Political Activism Committee will start meeting on a bi-weekly schedule for the rest of the semester.
Reports of Special Committees:
The Student Mental Health Committee is starting a mentor program to combat loneliness and isolation on campus.
Representative Board Reports:
The Commuter and Non-Traditional Student Board is planning a pizza event in the coming weeks. Honors College Student Advisory Board finalized events for the rest of the semester. These events include Forum Fridays and guest speakers. The Interfraternity Council held a virtual leadership conference to learn more about handling student mental health, as well as diversity in the Greek community. Panhellenic Council held a round table summit for all chapter leaders. The Senior Class Council will be holding senior week the last week of April.
Community Association Reports:
Wilde Stein has modified its constitution and allows for more E-Board members.