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Police Beat: 10/23 to 10/30


Around 9:30 a.m., an information complaint was filed at Hamlin Hall concerning a student that overheard a group of male students making plans to jump off the roof of the hall. The student said they confronted the group and asked for their names, but they were unresponsive to her questioning and she couldn’t tell if they were kidding. UMPD searched the area, but the group dissolved by the time they arrived. No further reports were filed regarding the situation. 

At 6 p.m., a property damage crash was filed through Campus Eyes at the Aroostook parking lot. The report shared that a vehicle backed out of a parking spot and hit another student’s bumper that was driving down the lane. Upon inspection, the University of Maine Police Department (UMPD) assessed that the damages totaled less than $2,000, so a crash report was not filed. 


At noon, an information complaint was made at the Hilltop parking lot because a student returned to their vehicle after class only to find a piece of melted cheese covering one of their blindspot mirrors. UMPD and the student believe the cheese was left on the car late at night by someone who remains unidentified due to a lack of clear camera footage. The student was able to wash off the cheese slice, and no further complaints of this nature have been filed since the initial report. 

At about 3 p.m., an information complaint was filed at Knox Hall regarding a variety of substances discovered by a Resident Assistant (RA) in a student dormitory. The RA reported finding empty beer cans, a beer pong set up with half filled solo cups and marjuana in the dorm room. UMPD arrived and made contact with the male occupants of the room, who were told to clean up the space and they complied. A report was completed, and the students were referred to conduct.

Around 5 p.m., a property damage report was filed after a student returned to their vehicle in Gannett parking lot to find scratches and paint residue on their vehicle. The student said that no note with contact or insurance information was left. Upon inspection, UMPD found that cameras in the lot did not clearly capture the suspect. The damages totaled less than $2,000, so a crash report was not filed.

At 11 p.m., a welfare check was called in concerning an underaged intoxicated female student who was feeling ill. UMPD responded to the scene, and the University Volunteer Ambulance Corps (UVAC) was called. UVAC transported the student to the hospital to be treated for possible alcohol poisoning. A report was completed, and the student was referred to conduct. 

Also around 11 p.m., an information report was filed at Beta Theta Pi from a male student who requested they remain anonymous. He explained that he and another male student had been told to bring four female guests each to gain entry, but after following the instruction, both males were turned away at the door while the female students were let inside. UMPD responded by speaking with students and dispersing the large gathering. Several students were referred to conduct, and the Fire Department was notified about occupancy limit concerns.


At 11 a.m., an information complaint was filed through Campus Eyes regarding another incident at Beta Theta Pi. The anonymous report shared that someone had drank too much and was slurring their speech to a degree others found concerning. The report was filed one night after the incident occurred. No specific names were mentioned, so UMPD was unable to make contact with either student. 

At about 11:30 p.m., an information complaint was called in at Alpha Gamma Rho concerning potential alcohol poisoning after a female student became too intoxicated and began vomiting. UMPD responded by dispatching UVAC, and the student was transported to the hospital for treatment. After following up with involved students, UMPD discovered that the female student drank off campus before being transported to the party. UMPD could not take sanctions against Alpha Gamma Rho, thus no reports were filed to student conduct. 


Around 6 p.m., a property damage report was filed at the New Balance Student Recreation parking lot regarding a hit-and-run accident after a male student found their parked vehicle had been struck and incurred damage while he was in class. UMPD responded and found that the vehicles were too far from the camera to determine who struck his vehicle. UMPD assessed that the damages totaled less than $2,000, so a crash report was not filed. 


At midnight, an information complaint was called in from Stodder Hall concerning an underaged female student who was found intoxicated and sick in a women’s restroom. UMPD responded by calling in UVAC to treat the student. UVAC determined that the student did not need to be transported for medical care. A report was completed, and the student was referred to conduct. 


At about 6 p.m., a welfare check was conducted near the Versant Power Astronomy Center after reports of someone lying under a blanket near a power outlet, raising fire concerns. UMPD found the individual was a 16-year-old resident of a nearby apartment complex. UMPD noted that residents typically understand they cannot use campus facilities. The resident intended to charge his phone but complied when asked to leave, and was informed he could not use campus facilities again.

Around 6:30 p.m., a property damage report was filed at the New Balance Recreation Center parking lot after a student claimed that someone had struck their vehicle while backing out of a parking spot into the lane then fled. UMPD responded but found that cameras were too far to determine a suspect. UMPD assessed that the damages totaled less than $2,000, so a crash report was not filed. 

At 9 p.m., a suspicious complaint was filed at Colvin Hall after a student occupant observed two males knocking on the front door to enter the building. The males weren’t let in, so they tried two other doors before presumably giving up and leaving the area. UMPD responded and identified the suspects via camera footage, but determined they were just students trying to access a study area. No further action was taken. 


At 7:30 a.m., an information complaint was filed near University Park Family Housing regarding an older male knocking on doors in the park and trying to get someone’s attention. UMPD responded and searched for the man, but he seemingly left before officers arrived. No further complaints of a similar nature were filed. 

At 9 a.m., an information complaint was filed through Campus Eyes by a female student concerned about an ex-boyfriend who broke two years of no-contact to accuse her of installing a spyware app on his phone. The female student shared that no direct threats were made but she was concerned for her safety. UMPD determined that the student lives in Bangor, so she was advised to contact the Bangor Police Department. 

At around 10 a.m., a property damage report was filed near Long Road after a student driver in a black Honda mistakenly backed into a dumpster and damaged their windshield. There were no injuries. UMPD also assessed that the damages totaled less than $2,000, so a crash report was not filed. 

Around 7 p.m., a suspicious complaint was filed at Witter Farm after passersby observed lights on in the house, despite no one being expected inside. UMPD responded and found that no one was in the house, and the lights had been accidentally left on after University staff installed a fire extinguisher there a couple of days prior.

At 8 p.m., a suspicious complaint was called in near the entrance of the Demeritt Forest Recreation Trail after a student reported seeing a male walking around with an ax. UMPD promptly responded but did not find anyone on arrival. They noted in their report that wood chopping supplies within a forestry department facility are often located in that area, which likely explains why someone may have had an ax.


At about 10 a.m., a property damage report was filed at the tennis court parking lot near the New Balance Recreation Center. The student claimed that another student vehicle had backed into his parking spot and struck his vehicle. UMPD responded by telling both students to exchange contact and insurance information. UMPD also assessed that the damages totaled less than $2,000, so a crash report was not filed. 

At 10:15 a.m., a property damage report was filed at the Cutler Health Center lot regarding two student vehicles that collided while exiting a lane. The students exchanged information, and one waited for UMPD to respond. Upon arrival, UMPD did not file a report as the damages were determined to be less than $2,000.

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