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Police beat for Jan. 28

Jan. 17 – 3:00 p.m.

A bike was reported stolen from outside Deering Hall. The locked bike, which cost $600, had been outside since Dec. 22 and the owner came back to check on it on Jan. 17. There are no suspects.

Jan. 21 – 7:47 p.m.

A $650 bike was reported stolen from the bicycle rack in front of Kennebec Hall. The cable lock had been cut. There are no suspects.

Jan. 24 – 11:00 a.m.

Early in January, someone reported that they had received an email from one of their friends. The email requested that the student help the friend by buying gift cards and sending the information over email. The student did just that, but when they met the friend in person, the friend had no knowledge of the situation. University of Maine Police Department (UMPD) investigated and found that a fake email address was created using the friend’s partial name and the words The fake address was actually a gmail account, however. The student contacted the gift card and credit card companies.

Jan 24. – 1:00 p.m.

A person parked near Chadbourne Hall complained to UMPD officers that snow had fallen off a roof and damaged their car.

Jan. 24 – 3:22 p.m.

Resident assistants in Oxford Hall called UMPD officers for a complaint of broken property. When they arrived, the officers tracked down the person responsible who told them the glass in a dorm-hall door had been broken accidently, which had not been communicated. The situation was resolved and marked as an accident.

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