April 12 – 11:07 p.m.
A University of Maine Police Department (UMPD) officer on foot patrol saw flashlights in Littlefield Gardens and discovered a group of students was smoking marijuana. A male student, 18, claimed ownership of the marijuana and a pipe made from an apple. He was charged with possession and the rest of the individuals were referred to the Student Conduct Code Committee.
April 13 – 2 a.m.
Orono Police Department (OPD) received a complaint of a fight at the Avenue Apartment Complex. Officer Morse arrived and talked to a female tenant, 20. Morse could hear yelling coming from inside the apartment and the woman said that her roommate had gotten into a fight with someone. When officers attempted to enter the apartment, she blocked the doorway, claiming that they didn’t have a warrant to enter. They pushed past her and made their way upstairs, where they saw damages to property and blood on the wall, eventually finding a male in the bathroom with a cut on his forehead. Officers called for medical assistance for the male and summoned the woman for obstruction of government administration for attempting to block their entry. Her court date is May 23.
April 14 – 12:45 a.m.
Officer Irish of OPD was parked on Pine Street monitoring traffic when he saw a car turning from Main Street accelerate violently. Irish stopped the car driven by a male, 20, who he had previously arrested. Because of this prior incident, Irish was aware of the driver’s bail conditions which included not having any alcohol in his system. Irish could smell alcohol in the car and asked him to do a field sobriety test, which he failed. He was arrested, failed a sobriety test at OPD and was arrested and given a May 9 court date.
April 14 – 12:54 a.m.
Officers doing a routine property check on the third floor of Oxford Hall heard loud music coming from a room. They found the occupants in possession of alcohol, marijuana and drug paraphernalia. A male student, 18, claimed possession of them and was subsequently summoned. His roommate was referred to the Student Conduct Code Committee.
April 14 – 1:20 a.m.
Security at the Avenue Apartment Complex called OPD to deal with an incident of criminal trespassing. Officer Wentworth arrived and talked to a male, 20, who they knew from a prior incident. He admitted he knew he wasn’t supposed to be there and was then arrested.
April – 14 – 1:44 a.m.
A resident assistant in Gannett Hall complained of an intoxicated male. Officers arrived and found the student vomiting in the third-floor women’s restroom, which he said he was using because it was close to his room and more convenient. The student was medically cleared and referred to the Student Conduct Code Committee.
April 17 – 10:45 a.m.
UMaine Parking Services called a tow truck to remove a vehicle that was parked in a services parking spot. When the truck dropped the vehicle to turn around and bring it away, the owner hopped in and drove away. UMPD tracked the owner’s license plates and found him, at which point he opted to pay the $40 towing fee rather than incur a theft charge.
April 17 – 6:58 p.m.
Someone complained to UMPD that someone else had walked over their 1995 Chevy Camaro, causing dents and roughly $200 in damages.
April 17 – 11:50 p.m.
A UMPD officer on foot patrol on the third floor of Oxford Hall smelled marijuana and traced it back to a room. When the officer knocked on the door, someone in the room shouted “cops.” After a few minutes a male student, 18, answered. He gave up some marijuana, and a subsequent search of the room turned up even more marijuana, drug paraphernalia and psilocybin mushrooms in a bag. He was charged with possession of marijuana and schedule X drugs for the mushrooms.