Jan. 24 – 7 p.m.
While on duty, Officer Irish of the Orono Police Department (OPD) received a call from Thriftway stating that Hailey Fidje, 18, of Connecticut, was found to have presented a fake ID while attempting to purchase alcohol. When Officer Irish showed up, Fidje was compliant and was summoned for attempting to purchase alcohol as a minor. Fidje has a court date in March.
Jan. 24 – 8:30 p.m.
While on duty, Officer Irish of OPD received a call from Thriftway stating that Mackenzie Hughes, 19, of Massachusetts, was found to have presented a fake Maine ID while attempting to purchase alcohol. When Officer Irish showed up, Hughes was compliant and was summoned for attempting to purchase alcohol as a minor. Hughes has a court date in March.
Jan. 25 – 4:30 p.m.
The University of Maine Police Department (UMPD) received a complaint from two female students explaining that while they were at the New Balance Recreation Center, a phone and an apple watch went missing from a day locker that they were using. UMPD is currently investigating this report and asks that if anyone has any information to call them at 207-581-4040.
Jan. 25 – 10:48 p.m.
UMPD received a call from a resident assistant in Androscoggin Hall that a number of students who appeared to be drunk could be seen outside the dormitory. When UMPD reported to the hall, five female students had entered the south entrance and were lying on the floor, and told officers that they were “making a Tik Tok video.” The students brought UMPD up to the third-floor room that they were staying at, and UMPD determined that the students were intoxicated. The students admitted to drinking an undetermined amount of alcohol but were not found to have any alcohol in the room. The students were referred to the Student Conduct Code Committee.
Jan. 26 – 12:30 a.m.
UMPD received a call from a resident assistant in Somerset Hall stating that a male first-year student had been found vomiting on the first floor of the hall. The University Volunteer Ambulance Corps were called, the student was cleared, and the student was referred to the Student Conduct Code Committee.
Jan. 28 – 10:44 p.m.
While on foot patrol, a UMPD officer could hear two male students on the second floor of Somerset Hall playing beer pong in their room. The students were found in possession of a can of Natural Light beer and a bottle of 5 O’Clock Vodka. The students were referred to the Student Conduct Code Committee.