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Police Beat

Sept. 2

The University Bookstore reported a theft to the University of Maine Police Department (UMPD) when a bookstore employee found a misplaced textbook and realized that the access code was removed from the book. The suspect was identified as Brierrose Wormer, 23, and was issued a summons for theft. 

Sept. 13

At approximately 1 a.m. Mohamed Mohamud, 24, of Old Town was charged with operating under the influence of marijuana. Mohamud has also been charged with a class D crime in the past.

Sept. 15

A UMPD officer initiated an investigation at 10:53 p.m. when driving by the botanical gardens near the Emera Astronomy Center. The officer reported suspicious activity in gardens and found two students smoking marijuana. There was a sizable amount of marijuana and drug paraphernalia in plain view when the officer approached the two students. Summons were issued to Logan Mattessich, 18, for possession of a usable amount of marijuana for a person under 21 and to Elijah Fitch, also 18, for possession of drug paraphernalia. 

Sept. 16

At 9:20 p.m. Anna Vidoni of Massachusetts, 19, was charged with possession of a false ID card, which is a civil offense.

Sept. 17

An investigation is still underway after an individual threw eggs at the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity house a little after midnight. The eggs struck the side of the house but no permanent damage was done to the building. UMPD is continuing to investigate the case. 

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