A catalytic converter was reported stolen from a 2005 Ford Ranger parked in the Hilltop Lot. It has an estimated value of $800. This is the seventh reported theft of a catalytic converter within the past month per UMPD reports.
1 a.m. Four first-year students were found on Long Road by UVAC, and referred to conduct.
7:05 p.m. Damage was reported by an anonymous Campus Eyes tip at Androscoggin Hall. The suspect was apprehended and referred to conduct.
8:40 a.m. An unknown suspect defecated on the fourth floor of Dunn Hall, and fecal matter was found smeared on the walls of the women’s restroom. There is no suspect under investigation currently.
2:40 p.m., The sign outside of the Alpha Sigma Pi house was reported damaged, and a suspect is currently under investigation.
A Pi Kappa Phi sign was stolen, with damages estimated around $300. A suspect is currently under investigation.
3:55 a.m. Unknown persons stole a Subaru from Witter Farm. The vehicle was recovered hours later at Witter Farm, and no damage was done to the vehicle.
8:51 a.m. A biker was struck by a vehicle at the intersection of Sebago Road and the Grove Street extension. The bicyclist crossed traffic in front of the car and was hit. They suffered minor road rash injuries.