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Updates in fraternity theft investigation

Six students have been referred to conduct in relation to the March 17 vandalisms at several fraternities on College Ave. Between March 17-19, a series of vandalisms and petty thefts occurred, in which several fraternities had letters stolen from their signs.


Overnight on March 17, Alpha Sigma Phi, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Phi Eta Kappa, Theta Chi and Beta Theta Pi had their signs stolen. On March 18, Phi Eta Kappa and Delta Tau Delta reported several burglaries, which involved an estimated $1,000 in damages. On March 19, multiple vehicles were vandalized overnight in the rear parking lot of the Lambda Chi Alpha chapter.


There is an active investigation underway regarding the burglaries and vandalism, and UMPD is exploring the possibility that the crimes could be linked. As of April 20, six students have been referred to conduct for the sign vandalism on March 17.


UMPD released video footage of the suspected burglars on their Facebook page and website, and are asking for assistance in identifying the perpetrator.


“Even though the face is covered in the video, someone knows who this is,” Detective William Flagg said. “Anyone who has info on who this is, is encouraged to call [(207)] 581-4040.”


Another investigation is underway regarding a series of bicycle thefts which occurred outside of Somerset Hall between April 18-19. Sometime between 11 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. multiple bikes were reported stolen from a bike rack outside Somerset Hall, with their chains holding the bikes in place having been cut. Flagg encourages anyone who has lost their bikes to report the thefts to UMPD.

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