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Police Beat 9/23 to 9/29


At 7 a.m. the University of Maine Police Department (UMPD) responded to a theft report at the Fay Hyland Botanical Garden after the garden’s sign was taken. The sign is valued at $350.

At 10 a.m. officers arrived at Hitchner Hall after receiving a property damage report.

At 10:45 a.m. UMPD arrived at the Donald P. Corbett Business Building after they received a report that their sign had been stolen. The sign is valued at $350.



At 12:07 a.m. officers performing a routine check of the university’s parking lots found an abandoned electric scooter. UMPD coordinated with the Old Town Police Department to locate the owner.

At 1:45 a.m. UMPD and the University Volunteer Ambulance Corps (UVAC) arrived on the second floor of Cumberland Hall after receiving a report of a severely intoxicated person. The person refused transport.

At 3:30 a.m. officers received a report of suspicious male individuals. Officers identified one individual who had multiple outstanding warrants.

At 10:10 a.m. UMPD received a late report from Androscoggin Hall. A student had alcohol and was referred to conduct.

At 3:22 p.m. UMPD received a late report of vehicle damage in the Collins Center for the Arts parking lot. There were no injuries.

At 11:02 p.m. officers responded to Kennebec Hall where exit signs had been vandalized.



At 12:30 a.m. UMPD and UVAC arrived at Cumberland Hall after a student was hit in the eye while playing hall sports.

At 1:51 a.m. officers responded to a suspicious person report at Cumberland Hall. No one was there when the officers arrived.



At 1:40 a.m. UMPD and UVAC received a report of a male with a cut hand. The person was transported to Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center.

At 11:26 a.m. officers received a theft report from the Memorial Gym Complex. A pedestal fan was stolen and is valued at $560.



At 3:31 p.m. UMPD received a report that a bike was stolen from Oxford Hall. The bike is worth $300.



At 2:14 a.m. UMPD responded to a shoplifting incident at the bookstore. This incident is an ongoing investigation.



At 11:28 p.m. UMPD arrived at Knox Hall after receiving a report of three drunk males. One person was uncooperative and ran from the officers, resulting in a short chase. They were eventually detained and referred to conduct.

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