At 9 a.m., a property damage crash took place beside Holmes Hall. Two vehicles were involved in the accident. One of the drivers complained of leg pain as a result but refused medical attention.
Around 1:30 p.m., a second property damage incident occurred at the Belgrade Spur. Two vehicles were involved, and no injuries were sustained.
Around 8 p.m., a traffic offense was reported from the Collins Center for the Arts (CCA) lot. The driver connected a sled to their vehicle using rope and drove in circles with a person on the sled.
At about 2 a.m., Campus Eyes issued a noise complaint from Oxford Hall. Residents in the building were playing music at a high volume, but no one was found responsible.
At 8 a.m., theft was reported at the CCA parking lot. A female student discovered her Apple AirPods to be taken from the ground after falling out of her coat pocket. She attempted to track them but was unsuccessful because they were turned off. There are no suspects at this time.
Around 11 a.m., an information complaint was filed from the Alfond Arena parking lot. An individual standing beside a green vehicle was allegedly acting suspiciously. No one was seen upon the University of Maine Police Department (UMPD) arrival.
At about 9 a.m., UMPD made an agency assist to the South Portland Police Department to locate a University of Maine student. The student in question lives in the Orono area and needed to be questioned by the police in regard to a case in Portland.
Around 6 p.m., a drug report was filed from Hart Hall. The complaint was of a marijuana smell in one of the halls. UMPD arrived on the scene but was unable to pinpoint its origin.
Just before 2 a.m., an intoxication complaint was called in from Somerset Hall. Two female students under 21 were located under the influence. UVAC was contacted for one of them. Neither student required transport, and both were sent to conduct.
Around 2:30 a.m., another intoxication complaint was made from the same location. A male student below the age of 21 was found drinking alcohol and consequently referred to conduct.
At 1 p.m., a property damage crash occurred in the Hilltop parking lot. Two vehicles were involved and no injuries were sustained.
At 2:30 a.m., an alcohol offense was reported at Somerset Hall. The student was located with alcohol and referred to conduct for possession and consumption as a minor.
At 4 p.m., UMPD made an agency assist to the Orono Fire Department. Residents of Patch Hall noticed an odor of propane. An air sampler was used and nothing was detected.
At 11 a.m., an information complaint was filed by the New Balance Recreation Center. Property belonging to a student was located. UMPD contacted the person and they went to retrieve the item.
At 2 p.m., an information complaint was filed from behind a fraternity house on College Avenue. The caller witnessed potential students with a firearm but could not determine whether or not it was real. There are no suspects at this time.
Around 7 p.m., UMPD made an agency assist to the Orono Fire Department. Eight people were trapped in the elevator at Androscoggin Hall.
At 1:30 p.m., criminal mischief occurred at Fogler Library. The report was of vandalism in the bathroom with the word “IZZY” written in graffiti-style.
At 2 p.m., there was an information complaint regarding the circulation of a fraudulent email about work solicitation.
At 9 a.m., criminal mischief was reported from the Rec Center. The restroom was vandalized with “IZZY,” which was likely connected to the library graffiti. Also, at this time, a property damage crash was reported in the Belgrade parking lot. Two vehicles were involved, but no injuries were sustained.
Around 11 a.m., a scam complaint was made from Somerset Hall. A fake flier from USM was advertising a remote student assistant job opportunity. UMPD contacted USM, and there was no such advertisement from the organization.
Around 6:30 p.m., a suspicious complaint was issued at Corbitt Hall regarding a suspicious male standing outside. UMPD located the individual, but he was simply a UMaine employee waiting for his wife.
Around midnight, a suspicious complaint was reported from Deering Hall about a suspicious male. The individual was not located inside the building or around the area. Also, at this time, an Information complaint was made by a male student who stopped in the UMPD office. After being tired from walking for too long, he asked for a ride to his dormatory.
At midnight, another information complaint was made at the UMPD office. A student was having issues with the parking staff. The issue was resolved.
At 1 a.m., an intoxication complaint was reported by the Alpha Sig fraternity house about an intoxicated person on College Avenue. A female student was found feeling unwell. UVAC arrived on the scene, and she was transported to the hospital.
At 9:30 p.m., drugs were detected outside of Hilltop. A UMPD officer noticed the odor of marijuana and stopped his cruiser to investigate. A student was caught with a vape pen and marijuana pipe. They were referred to conduct, and the items were confiscated.
At 6:30 p.m., criminal mischief occurred in Fogler. The Palestinian flag was painted outside the library, though no one had been authorized to do so. By the time UMPD arrived on the scene, facilities had already removed the paint.
At 10 p.m., an information complaint was reported from Knox Hall regarding a strong odor of marijuana. UMPD checked every floor but was unable to pinpoint the source.
Around 9:30 a.m., a property damage crash occurred in the CCA parking lot. Two vehicles were involved.